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In this section you can find all the poetry books available in our online library. A vast selection of books to meet the needs of those who love to read in verse. You will be able to let yourself be amazed and dragged into a new reality by Italian and foreign poets.
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What is this? poetry?


The poetry is; a work of art in verse, which expresses the deepest emotions; depths of the artist.
The birth of classical poetry was closely linked to music, but far precedes the discovery of writing and manages to evoke moods in a more subtle way. pronounced.
Italian poetry is cataloged in three different forms: song, sonnet and ode.
É has always been associated with the epic, used to describe the great heroic deeds of the heroes of the myths that have come down to us.


Ancient poetry and modern poetry


Before writing we can find love poems, recognized as a means of conveying one's feelings.
Initially exploited by storytellers to pass on ancient poems.
In Italy written poetry is known through Dante and Petrarch which, over time, is used to entertain people.
Contemporary poetry bears no resemblance to ancient poetry, it deviates completely from tradition and nowadays the literary demand focuses more on literary texts such as novels and fiction books, forgetting about poetry books.


What does the Di Mano in Mano catalog offer?

  • - Books of Italian Poetry
  • ​- Books of Foreign Poetry
  • - Books of Poetry in the original language
  • - Montale's poems
  • - Poems by Pascoli
  • - Poems by Ugo Foscolo
  • - Poems by Carlo Porta etc..


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Armonia in grigio et in silenzio
Armonia in grigio et in silenzio

Corrado Govoni
Francesco Lumachi editore

Armonia in grigio et in silenzio

Corrado Govoni
Francesco Lumachi editore

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