Descrizione delle operazioni e recenti scoperte fatte all'interno di piramidi, templi, tombe, e scavi, in Egitto e Nubia; e di un viaggio alla costa del Mar Rosso, in cerca dell'antica Berenice; e di un altro all'oasi di Giove Ammone
Author: Giovanni Battista Belzoni
Publisher: Zenith
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1987
Product Condition:
Example in good condition. Hard canvas cover with dust spots and minimal signs of wear on the spine, edges and corners. Slightly browned cuts with dust spots. Pages slightly yellowed. Ex libris stamp on the title page. Text in Italian language.
Pages: XX,511
Format: Hardcover
Format: Eighth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 27
Width: 22
Edition edited by Giancarlo Negro and Roberta Simonis. Translation Maria Luisa Opassi and Roberta Simonis. Graphic design by Giancarlo Negro and Manlio Sozzani. Hand-laid paper from Cartiere Fedrigoni. Specimen n.179. Volume without the tables ft
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