Enciclopedia delle scienze fisiche. Ge-Mic (Volume III)

Author: AA.VV.

Code: LIENEN0233680

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Enciclopedia delle scienze fisiche. Ge-Mic (Volume III)

Author: AA.VV.

Code: LIENEN0233680

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Enciclopedia delle scienze fisiche. Ge-Mic (Volume III)


Author:  AA.VV.

Publisher:  Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani

Place of printing:  Rome

Year of publication:  [1993]

Product Condition:
Example in good condition. The binding is protected by a folded sheet of yellowed white paper and placed in a cardboard sleeve with yellowing at the edges, dust spots and brown spots, small signs of wear and abrasions at the edges and corners. Canvas cover with leather spine with light traces of dust. Pages slightly yellowed. Text in Italian language.

Pages:  XIV;864

Format:  Hardback


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